Something's decidedly odd about the feed I've been getting from Ustream, the service I use for this webcam.
Some time this afternoon, the image apparently froze - and stayed that way until a few minutes ago.
I logged out of Ustream, logged back in, and finally rebooted my computer, in an effort to restore somewhat-normal service.
If it's noon in Minnesota, and you're seeing a freeze-frame of dark streets, or if nothing seems to be moving, or you see something weird - sorry about that, but I don't know what the problem is.
You could try clicking the arrow/triangle that (I hope) appears in the center of the image. When I did so, I was taken to the Ustream page that features this 'show.' After a commercial (probably 30 seconds long) that you may or may not find offensive. The ones I got were selling some sort of snack food.
Or, you could check out some other blog, or get a cup of coffee, or something else.
Your choice.
Sauk Centre, Minnesota: near the corner of Ash Street and South 9th.
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
1st Hummingbird
An hour or so ago, I saw my first hummingbird of the season at the feeder. And there's one there now.
Whoops. It's gone. Those things are fast.
Whoops. It's gone. Those things are fast.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
First Batch for the Hummingbirds
About an hour ago, I mixed this year's first batch of 1-to-4 sugar water, and set out the hummingbird feeder.
It's late - I've heard that the hummers start coming in May. On the other hand, we had a cool spring, so maybe I haven't missed all that many.
Now, it's a question of how soon one or more finds the feeder.
It's late - I've heard that the hummers start coming in May. On the other hand, we had a cool spring, so maybe I haven't missed all that many.
Now, it's a question of how soon one or more finds the feeder.
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