That was quick. Main Street was patched up, with nothing to show for the previous day's work except a sandy patch and traffic cones. July 18, 2013.

Minnesota's four seasons: fall, winter, spring, and road work. Or, in town, street work. July 18, 2013.

The folks at Arvig had some sort of major get-together on Thursday. My guess is that it was part of Sinclair Lewis Days. July 18, 2013.
Sinclair Lewis Days ended yesterday, with the usual parade. There's a street dance on Sinclair Lewis Avenue, downtown, after that: but for me the parade is the grand finale.

Some folks have their spots picked and folding chairs in place by late afternoon. By the time the parade starts, at 7:00 p.m., the route is packed. July 20, 2013.

A somber start to the parade - - - July 20, 2013.

- - - followed by sunshine and clowns. July 20, 2013.
I've got quite a few pictures from the parade, but those will wait until another day.