
Spiral Light Candle
Sauk Centre, Minnesota: near the corner of Ash Street and South 9th.
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Webcam's Back

My household's Internet connection is back to normal, and I've restored the usual resolution to my webcam's feed.

The sluggish connection had an unexpected benefit: asking my son about his connection speed turned into a long talk about software, games, and an old cartoon series.

Related post:

Spring, and the Usual Internet Problems

There seems to be a problem with my Internet connection and/or computer. I'm guessing it's the Internet connection, since the 'in-house' performance seems normal. We tend to have trouble as spring approaches, and during heavy rain.

Sorry about that.

I hope this clears up soon: until then, I've reduced resolution/picture quality rather dramatically.

So it's not you that's got the problem: those postage-stamp-size pixels are about the best that I can coax out of my connection now.
("Following" list moved here, after Blogger changed formats)

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