
Spiral Light Candle
Sauk Centre, Minnesota: near the corner of Ash Street and South 9th.
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

'Just What am I Looking At?'

A little while ago, someone asked me 'just what am I looking at' with this webcam.

That's a reasonable question.

I could say something like "the northeast portion of the intersection of South 9th and Ash Street in Sauk Centre, Minnesota." That would be accurate, but wouldn't really tell you much.

Or, I could go into a rambling description of everything you see, from the hummingbird feeder support near the camera, to the yards on the other side of 9th. But, as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words," and I don't think many people keep reading past the first few hundred.

But I keep thinking about 'just what am I looking at?' Next week, barring unforeseen developments, I plan to put together a pair of pictures, outlining what you're looking at during the day, and at night.

But, since my life has been full of unforeseen developments lately, that's no guarantee.

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