
Spiral Light Candle
Sauk Centre, Minnesota: near the corner of Ash Street and South 9th.
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Technical Difficulties

Sometime last night, or maybe this morning, the webcam went offline.

That wasn't my idea.

The computer had rebooted itself by the time I noticed something was amiss, and several hours' effort hasn't uncovered the source of the problem.

The good news is that my oldest daughter and I know quite a lot about what the problem isn't.

I've got nearly a full day of tasks piled up now, and can't spend more time on this particular issue. My daughter's contacted a tech support outfit, and I am resolved to get the hummingbirds and traffic back online.

In less than the (months, wasn't it?) time it took this sort of thing happened.

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