
Spiral Light Candle
Sauk Centre, Minnesota: near the corner of Ash Street and South 9th.
(Please, be patient. The live streaming video starts after a (relatively) short canned commercial.)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Sleep Mode" and Other - Improvements?

The mystery of the fuzzy window may have been solved:
I use the service to connect my webcam to the Internet. It's a free service, which is about what I can afford.

Good news, is constantly improving their software. That lets folks who like brand-new bells and whistles enjoy nifty new wrinkles in what can do.

Bad news, is constantly improving their software. That's probably the reason that you can't see the picture: particularly late at night and early in the morning.

That's when I sleep. I leave the computer on: but right now it's set to go into sleep mode after a set time with no input from me. A week or so ago, this wasn't an issue. Now, maybe it is.

It's a bit after 5:00 a.m. now, I wasn't planning to check my computer: and the reason I'm down here is another topic.

One more thing: While searching for documentation on's "sleep mode" fuzzification feature, I ran into this video feed:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Off Again, On Again - - -

The webcam's back online, and this time it wasn't my fault. Internet and telephone service to my household was cut, briefly, this evening.

Sunsets - and sunrises - are colorful events, now that it's autumn. There's not much sky in the webcam's image: but we've got some colorful trees. Minnesota is in the Central time zone, by the way.

Somewhat-related posts:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aha! Webcam's Back: and I've Got a Clue

As I posted yesterday, I've had some trouble with the webcam:Today, the webcam went offline again: but this time my system told me that the problem was that Shockwave had crashed.

I'm hoping that this is a rare occurrence. If it's not, at least I know what questions to ask next time.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

That's Odd: But the Webcam's Back

Usually, when this webcam isn't working, I have some idea as to what happened: a power failure; something like that.

This time, I have no idea why the browser I use to keep the webcam and video service on speaking terms - decided to 'change the channel.'

Closing the browser and starting it again has the webcam back online, and I hope this is one of those 'once in a lifetime' events.

Meanwhile: enjoy the view. I do. ;)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Changing Seasons

The forecast says it'll be a degree or two below freezing tonight, so I took the hummingbird feeder in. I'm quite confident that the hummers have long since headed south: leaving central Minnesota and the rest of the north.

Next, I should start thinking about what to set out during winter.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Another Month, Another Round for the Hummingbirds

I see it's been about three weeks since the last 'fill' of the hummingbird feeder. This time I gave it a more-than-usually-thorough cleaning before setting it out.

We'll see how long this pint lasts.
("Following" list moved here, after Blogger changed formats)

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